Sunday, 23. January 2005

Being free

I constantly think about what freedom really means. What does it mean? We usually take it for granted, and don’t THINK about it. How can we be free when all our actions are controlled and regulated by all kinds of different laws, social rules and standards? Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against that, human actions MUST be controlled, in order to have a peaceful and harmonious coexistence. But the truth is that what really makes us free today is money. If you have money, you can basically do anything you please, and go over any kind of rule; you can even make your own rules and live by them. And it’s great, because you get TO BE whoever you want to be.
The problem comes when you DON’T have money. What can you do then? Who can you be? And I would love to think that if you work very hard you can get wherever you want and become whoever you wish, without needing money, but is this true? I mean, at the end, when after all your hard work you finally get to be or do what you want, you’ll probably have money. So, is that what made it possible?
I hate this situation, but I can’t deny it. This is the world we live in. Some people are born privileged, and some are born with literally nothing. Life’s unfair, but that’s what leads me to believe in life after death. We all deserve to be happy, and I’m sure we will, all of us, someday, somewhere.
That thought relieves me, and makes me feel better, but still, I can’t ignore the fact that some people still have to wait and suffer their whole lives to finally get to that place where they can rest.
And as amazing as it is, we all know the world is filled with people in need, people living in poverty and even in extreme poverty. I can definitely say I’ve seen it. In Guatemala, most people know nothing but exclusion, hunger, ignorance, discrimination and suffering. There’s a lot my country needs to work on (in Guatemala, you live in poverty when you make 1.10 euro per day, and you live in extreme poverty when you make 0.51 euro per day. Is it even possible to live with that amount???).
Fortunately for me, I can say I was born privileged. I have never known hunger, I’ve had amazing opportunities, to study, to travel and to learn so many things…and that’s what makes me realize that the people who like me, have had opportunities, and “freedom”, have also obligations. We have the obligation to use those opportunities to help others. That does not mean that everyone should become U.N. volunteers or social workers, but that from wherever we are, there will always be someone in need of a helping hand, and we have no idea the difference we can make in someone else’s life.
So, as a conclusion, we should all keep our eyes open and our heart alive. We can make this world a better place…who else is going to do it, if not ourselves? (Please don’t think I stole this phrase from the Miss Guatemala contest!!! I promise I didn’t! hahaha)


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